Friday, September 11, 2020

Big Bang Theory

  Origins Of Our Universe

Big Bang Theory     

                                                                                                          - By Prem G

13.7 Billion years ago, Far away an incident took place which gave birth to our universe, It was a Super  Explosion which was named Big Bang. It gave birth to our Universe, Galaxies, Planets, Suns, etc. Who is responsible for it? Why and How it happened? We didn't know it. But how do we know that birth of this vast universe was because of Big Bang. Did we have any proof of it? Today we will know how Big Bang Theory was introduced. 

The story is about 1608 when a dutch eyeglass maker, Hans Lipperhey invented a device which can magnify any object 3 time, this was the birth of Telescope. Then, in 1609, an Italian Polymath, Galileo Galilei invented his first telescope and had his first look in the space. This was the biggest achievement of Human History because from now everything was going to change. He is called The Father of Telescope for this invention. He observed that night stars were actually planets which were orbiting Sun not Earth, He then supported the Heliocentric theory of Nicolaus Copernicus. But Church found this discovery goofy and this made Galileo Life imprisoned and he died in 1642 in prison. Church also banned all Heliocentric books, but the truth can't be hidden. Telescopes were developing time by time and we started discovering more planets of our solar system, but still, our universe was that which we can see.

First Telescope of Galileo Galilei

 Overtime telescopes and our ability got developed and then started the 20th century, the time when we're able to see the deep universe. In the early 20th century Mount Wilson Observatory was established by an American astronomer, Geoge Ellery Hale, His mission was to solve the unknown mysteries of our universe. In his Observatory, He installed the biggest Telescope of that time, The 100-inch Telescope. Finally, in 1917, the doors of the Observatory were opened and we discovered many things in the universe, the astronomers saw weird colorful clouds, which were of different shapes, some spiral, some oval, and some of uncertain shapes. These were Nebulas, but at that time nobody knew what were they and How far were they? 

Mt. Wilson Observatory and The 100'' Telescope

Edvin Hubble with The 100" Telescope

Ellery Hale invited all of the best astronomers to solve these mysteries. One of these selected astronomers was, Edvin Hubble, He was really a very good Observational astronomer. He studied all the Nebulas day and night, one of these nebulas attracted him ver much, Andromeda Nebula. He could see various stars present in it, but to prove that it was a Galaxy and not a nebula, he needs to measure its distance from us, but it was not a normal task. But, by the Standard Candle method, he measured the distance of Andromeda Galaxy from us. He estimated the distance as 8,00,000 Light years (Real Distance - 25,37,000 Light years), which was 8 times far from our galaxy's far most star, which proved that it was out of our galaxy, it was a different galaxy. He discovered many more galaxies and found that many spiral nebulas were actually galaxies. Hubble's these discoveries changed the perspective of how we look to our universe, many galaxies exist in it. Afterward, Hubble discovered that these galaxies were going away from us, then he came to know that the galaxies were not going away but our universe was extending. This was one of the biggest discoveries of astronomy. But Why, Why was it extending, is it possible that once everything was shrunk at a single point.

This was the birth of the Big Bang Theory, which tells us that our whole universe was shrunk at a fine point which was of the size of a Photon, a super explosion of it given birth to our universe, but we need evidence to prove it. But for it, we need a different type of telescope, which can see other Electromagnetic Waves than visible light.

Various Electromagnetic waves

In 1964, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson invented a new Radio Telescope which can observe various microwaves and radio waves coming from space. They thought to observe the Empty space of the universe, which contain nothing. They were shocked to see that microwave signals were coming from empty space where nothing exists. Afterward, many microwave signals were captured from all over the universe. They both thought that there were some technical errors, for which they checked it and done some minor changes, but still, microwaves were received, the signal told us that empty space where nothing exists, should have a Temperature equal to '0' but it was 3 degree above '0'. Unknowingly they both discovered evidence of the Big Bang. These microwaves were actually afterglows of the Big Bang. Arno and Robert were awarded the Nobel prize in 1978 for their historical discovery. And here is How Big Bang was discovered and proved

       And Here's How Big Bang was Discovered and proved                                                   
Arno and Robert with their first Radio Telescope

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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

 'Fermi Paradox' and 'The Zoo Hypothesis'

  Are Aliens watching us?

The Story is of summer, 1950, a normal day at Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, US when all the scientists were together at the lunch table, and the famous physicist 'Enrico Fermi' ask a question to all his scientist friends which made them to deeply think about it. He asked that '' We know that there are many galaxies in the universe, the galaxies with many stars and the stars with many planets orbiting it. Thinking about the vastness of the universe we can conclude that many of the lives should exist in it. Here in the Earth, we conclude that Alien life is unique but it should be common and if there is an existence of Alien civilizations, Where are they? '' This Famous Riddle is called 'The Fermi Paradox'

Los Alamos National Laboratories

There is not any accurate answer to this, but many of the scientists all over the world had given their Theories and Hypothesis to explain it. One of the Beest Hypothesis of this is 'The Zoo Hypothesis'.
It was introduced by a radio astronomer of Massachusetts Institution of Technology, 'John Ball' in 1973, and this Hypothesis is known as one of the best explanations of 'The Fermi Paradox'.

Why do we keep animals in the zoo?. To observe them without letting them to reach us. They are given all the essential conditions to live in their natural habitat. We provide them all the necessary conditions for living but never go in their cage and also not try to have any direct interaction with them.
According to 'John Ball', the relations between humans and the aliens are the same where we are animals caged in Earth and they are observers. 'The Zoo Hypothesis' tells us that we are not alone in the universe but millions of lives exist here, who are many more times advanced than us. We are trying our best to find them but it's not happening because they are more advanced and didn't want us to meet them.
Probably its because they want us to evolve more. These Alien civilizations are just observing us from a very far planet.

In another variant of 'The Zoo Hypothesis', John Ball says that Earth is just a Laboratory for those alien civilizations and they have kept us for their experiments.

                                                                                    Then when will we meet aliens or we are just limited for their observations. Well 'The Zoo Hypothesis' tells that they are waiting till we cross a certain limit of our Development in Technology and Culture or they want us to develop such that We make our potential to make a Satellite or Rocket to visit their planet.

So, we need to evolve and develop to meet those alien civilizations. We need more scientists, researchers, and engineers to find and meet them. It can be you who will invent such technologies and meet them, it can be you who will be the first talk to them so we need you all to find them with your sharp minds

Thanks for giving your important time to read such a motivational blog. Be with me and we will definitely make a good research of the universe and those alien civilizations. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Download Getting Over It with Bennet Foddy

By OP Gaming World

Hello, Friends Today we will Download Getting Over it for Free. Firstly I want to tell you that this game is for mobile and not for PC. If You want it for PC Just Comment it Down I will make a blog for it. This game is Totally Compressed by me and the Link is also provided by me and none other.

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a punishing climbing game, a homage to Jazzuo’s 2002 B-Game classic ‘Tough Hiking’. You move the hammer with the mouse, and that’s all there is. With practice, you’ll be able to jump, swing, climb and fly. Great mysteries and a wonderful reward await the master hikers who reach the top of the mountain.

Following are the main features of Getting Over it -

  • Climb up an enormous mountain with nothing but a hammer and a pot.
  • Listen as I make philosophical observations about the problem at hand.
  • Feel new types of frustration you didn’t know you were capable of.
  • Magical reward awaits hikers who reach the top.

System Requirements of Getting Over It with Bennet Foddy

  • Operating System- Android/iOS
  • RAM- 3GB (recommended)
  • Frame Per Second- 60 (recommended)
  • Storage space- 127MB (for android)
  • Internet Connection- Yes

Getting Over it by Bennett Foddy Free Download

Click on the below link to download Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy. It is full and complete game. We have provided links to Download Getting Over it Just download it and Extract the Folder by ZArchiever. During Extraction, it will ask for Password. The Password is 'opgamingworld'

To see Tutorial How to Download and Install it Watch this Video -

For more Games for free Subscribe my YouTube channel 
Links are given Below - 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


Space Exploration

Let's Explore Space

Space is full of Mysteries and we need to explore it. It's full of celestial bodies.
It's not completely empty as it contains plasma, hydrogen and helium as well as electromagnetic radiations , magnetic fields, neutrinos, dust, and cosmic rays.

The baseline temperature of the outerspace is 2.7 kelvin (-270.45 °C). Scientists claim that 90% of the mass in most galaxies is in an unknown form called Dark Matter which interacts with other matter through gravitation but not electromagnetic forces they also claim that majority of the mass-energy in the observable universe is Dark Energy, a type of vacuum energy which is poorly understood.

Outer space does not begin at a definite altitude above the Earth's surface. The Karman Line, at an altitude of 100 km above sea level is officially used as the start of outer space in space treaties and outer space records. 

Physical exploration of humans in space began in the 20th century with the advent of high altitude balloon flights. This was followed by manned Rocket flights, and then manned Earth Orbit, first achieved by Yuri Gagarin of Soviet Union in 1961. Unmanned flights have almost explored all planets in our solar system.

As we know human are polluting the Earth but it hasn't stopped till Earth but going to Space and later can also pollute Space so we have to stand for it and take a major decision to stop this and maintain the space

Big Bang Theory

  Origins Of Our Universe Big Bang Theory                                                                                                   ...